
November 2, 2011, by Price Benowitz LLP

My son, like most kids, loves Halloween. For kids, Halloween is a time to play dress up and get free candy. One of the perks of childhood is being able to enjoy this time of year. One of the burdens of being an adult is that fun occasions- like Halloween- can quickly become a very frightening experience.

The ghost, ghouls, and goblins of childhood now seem like amusing movies when compared to lawsuits and liability. As an adult, I make sure that my walkways are all clear of any hazards and that they are well-lit; I only purchase candy from nationally known stores; and I make sure that anyone who comes to my home to get candy is safe.
My fear on Halloween is not zombies or the undead, rather, it is someone getting hurt while on my property. I know that as a property owner I am responsible for any injury incurred by anyone I have allowed onto my property. I know most people don't take as much care to make their property safe, but I have seen the impact of not doing so.

If you or your child was hurt on Halloween, please contact a lawyer to make sure that you do not suffer as a result of someone else's negligence.

This blog post was written by Rabihah Scott a personal injury lawyer for Price Benowtiz LLP. In addition to Maryland attorneys, the law firm has a DC personal injury lawyers and a Virginia accident lawyer.