On The Potential Dangers Of Driving While Distracted

May 22, 2012, by Price Benowitz LLP

Last year I dealt with a lot of personal tragedy. Amidst some of the most emotional points I remember running from my house crying and getting behind the wheel of a car. That was one of the dumbest things I have ever done in my entire life and, to this day, I regret it. Fortunately, I did not get into an accident and nobody was hurt when I drove around in such an emotional state. I think back now to how dangerous it was to drive with my mind not on the road and tears filling my eyes. I am sure I made a bad decision and I put many others at risk.

I will never say I am the world's best driver. I will never say I am the most alert and attentive. But I will say that driving as I wiped tears away was not a safe experience. I remember slamming on brakes and stopping short several times. I remember being lost and driving below the speed limit. I remember forgetting my headlights after sundown. I remember people flashing high beams and blowing their horns. The thing I can't remember is what made me think that it was ok to drive in such an emotional state of mind. At some point I should have realized it's not everybody else, it's me.

The really scary thing is I am certain that everyday tons of people are on the road distracted by their own personal problems and driving as if their life is the only one that mattered. These people pose a great risk to other drivers, all pedestrians, and both private and public property. In my personal opinion, the distracted drivers are almost as dangerous as drunk drivers. They seem to cause a world of damage unto others around them, not just themselves.

It is important that all drivers hold a certain reverence to the massive vehicles that transport us. The slightest turn of the wrist as you daydream could cost someone their life. A skilled attorney is always useful in determining who was at fault for the accident and what legal recourse is available to the injured victim. If you or someone you love was hurt by a distracted driver contact an attorney that can help you get your life back on track.

Written by Rabihah Scott, an attorney with Price Benowitz LLP. Please contact our Maryland personal injury lawyers for more information or to schedule a free consultation. We also have attorneys in Washington DC and Virginia ready to hear your case, so please visit our DC personal injury lawyer and Fairfax personal injury lawyer sites for more information on those offices.